Our experts at your service

Flowa - Our experts at your service. Check out our software development experts who have availability in the near future. Product owner, software architect, cross-functional software development team

Our experts at your service
Need to find a seasoned and dependable software architect, lead developer, or product owner? Someone who can steer a challenging project to the finish line or help take your team to the next level? Look no further, we've got you covered.

Check out our software development experts who have availability in the near future.

Antti Kirjavainen

  • Product owner and manager
  • Team leader
  • Experienced lean-agile coach and trainer
More about Antti

Ari-Pekka Lappi

  • Senior software architect
  • Full stack software developer
  • Scrum Master and agile coach
More about Ari-Pekka

Cross-functional Software Team

  • Project lead / Product owner (Antti Kirjavainen)
  • Tech lead / Coding architect (Ari-Pekka Lappi)
  • 4 senior fullstack developers
  • Proven capabilities for understanding complex problems and delivering results in record time
Interested? Contact us


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