My invitation for you

I'd like to invite you to join our upcoming remote training for leaders. I believe it will be worth your while. Both you and the company you work for will learn something that will help you thrive as these uncertain times we are facing continue.

A difficult ask

Writing the paragraph above turned out to be easier than I imagined. But publishing it feels very hard for me right now.

We have been in a state of emergency for over 2 months now. During that time, a lot has changed. So much so that it feels meaningless to share what has happened to me, on a personal level. People are dying, suffering, facing personal bankruptcy, worried about their relatives, saving lives of others while putting themselves at risk etc.

And me, I am basically still a coach, a consultant. What do I have to contribute in this situation? How could I claim that investing your time and your money on me would make sense in this situation?

At the same time, most of us have these mundane problems: how to continue making a living? What happens to the company I work for (or even own) with the financial uncertainties? How to deal with all the changes, uncertainties and anxieties related to lockdown, both at work and in our personal lives? How to support each other during these difficult times?

I share these challenges. As does our company, Flowa.

The invitation

And that brings me back to my invitation. My ask is to let me hold the space for us to learn together. To hold the space for us to support each other in growing to thrive in these difficult times.

I cannot give you the secret on how to thrive in times like these.  And I'm not here to tell you  how to help others survive or thrive. That would be dishonest. I am figuring it all out myself, too.

  • How to thrive under uncertainty?
  • How to support each other in a time of crisis?
  • How to make ends meet?
  • How to achieve meaningful work and real positive impact?
  • How to communicate and collaborate as a team in a challenging situation?

These are all challenges where there is no single solution. No silver bullet.

Let's explore those together. Learn from each other. Support each other in trying out novel solutions.

What can I bring

I will take responsibility of holding the space for us to learn together. I offer:

  • building trust
  • sources and materials to spark ideas and discussion
  • facilitation of games and discussion to support learning together
  • sparring to keep up commitment to learning together and growing
  • clear foundations, structure and facilitation to keep us on the right track

What can you bring

What you bring will be as important:

  • Your current challenges and development goals
  • The ideas and sources that inspire you
  • Your experience, your insights, your stories
  • Your experiences and experiments in your work during the training

Same goes for everyone else that joins!

So join me!

With this kind of group and this kind of setup, we can create some clarity amidst these uncertain times.

So, please join me, let's make this happen!

The next training starts on June 10th, check it out here.

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