Productive Remote Teams Interactive Webinar

Has your team just switched to remote-first mode of working? Does it feel difficult? We are organising a free interactive webinar about how to be productive while working in remote teams.

Productive Remote Teams Interactive Webinar

Has your team just switched to remote-first mode of working? Does it feel difficult?

Maybe you have faced some of the following challenges:

  • Information is missing because lack in communication
  • People are silent in remote meetings
  • General level of happiness is decreasing
  • Cowboy coding causes a mess in codebase
  • Communication with stakeholders is slower and harder
  • Your agile practice is is starting to get bulky
  • Adapting to a remote way of working is surprisingly difficult
  • Low energy level and lack of motivation
  • Difficulties in keeping productive in the long run

We can help!

We are organising a free interactive webinar about how to be productive while working in remote teams.

We at Flowa have been working remote-first for a number of years, and have helped distributed teams in finding remote-first practices that suit them the best. We have done this globally.

Now we invite you to discuss with us on how to make remote work click!

  • How to maintain a good level of communication with stakeholders?
  • How to battle the low energy levels and lack of motivation?
  • How to keep productive in the long run?

For us this has been the new normal for a good while, and we are happy to help everyone else to get the kicks out of this way of working too!


The webinar will take place on 14:00 EET (13:00 CET)  on friday 20th of March and lasts 1 hour.

To join, you need just the things you would need to be effective in a remote team setting:

  • good quality internet condition
  • computer
  • webcam
  • good audio setup: headset with a microphone is preferred, but a Jabra device will work as well

We will send you advance information and a link to join the webinar after you enroll.

Join us!

Let's figure out your ideal remote team setup together.

To keep our session effective, we have a limit of 20 seats available. Enroll now to secure your own seat!

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